"My name is David Copperfield. In a moment you will witness one of the
most remarkable illusions ever attempted on stage, anywhere in the
Ladies and Gentlemen - Andre Kole."
With this introduction, internationally acclaimed
illusionist Andre Kole unveils one of his most famous magical
creations, the disappearance of a ten-foot-tall Statue of Liberty. In
this illusion, Kole makes a replica of the Statue (weighing several
hundred pounds and constructed of wood, fiberglass and steel),
disappear in slow motion.
David Copperfield has called André's Statue of
Liberty creation
"one of the most remarkable illusions ever attempted on
stage, anywhere in the world."
The disappearance of the Statue of Liberty is just one
of the original illusions Kole has created for his magical spectacular
- "World of Illusion."